Thursday, August 30, 2007


These days I have been thinking about closed doors and obstacles. My thoughts are focused on determining the difference between the two. I view closed doors as the LORD putting a stop to a direction I am seeking to go and an obstacle as man and/or the devil seeking to put a stop to a direction that God is leading me in.

In my current situation I seem to be dealing with obstacles. I would covet your prayers for me because my inclination is to blast through the obstacle I am currently facing. Sometimes blasting through is an appropriate way to deal with obstacles, but when the obstacle is a fellow follower of Jesus Christ blasting through is not an option.

The LORD planted Galatians 6:1 in my mind this morning: "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted."

I am seeking God's wisdom as to how to confront this brother in truth and love. Please pray for me so that I would honor Christ in this situation.

Soli Deo Gloria

Friday, August 24, 2007


What would you do differently regarding prayer if you truly believed that the success of your church plant/ministry/spiritual life depended on prayer?

Thoughts about Prayer

Facing the formidable and largely unexpected task of evangelizing the whole world for the Messiah, the early church went to prayer, waiting for Jesus to pour out his Spirit to empower them for this task. Only the very presence of the risen Lord could equip them to move outward in mission. And this movement could only be maintained through a continual dependence on him, receiving divine direction and encouragement in prayer...The outpouring of the Spirit permanently equipped the church for mission. Nevertheless, a vigorous missionary movement can only be maintained and expressed by unceasing prayer in the face of obstacles and persecution.
~ Richard F. Lovelace, Renewal

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Go to the land that I will show you!

YHWH spoke to Abraham and called him to leave his home and go to the land that he would show him. Abraham stepped out in faith and went. YHWH has spoken to me and called me to do a similar thing. He has released us from our call to Duluth and is leading us to plant a church in a land that he is in the process of showing us.

Gary Johnson (senior pastor) will stay in Duluth and continue the work of planting Faith Crossings Church and we will go out and plant. This news is not altogether surprising to us because we had intended to be a church that plant churches from the conception of the church. We wanted to be born pregnant!

What is surprising is the timing. We were thinking it my come a little further down the road. But God, not I, is the navigator of our journey and he is directing our path as we commit our work to him.

I want to ask you to join us in praying as we seek the LORD as to where he will lead us to plant a new church with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We will be putting in our 58 day notice to vacate our apartment soon and will stop drawing a salary from Faith Crossings at the end of September.

Please intercede on our behalf that God will provide for and protect us in this time. We have experienced pretty much every emotion from sorrow and mourning to excitement and joy over the past few weeks and we are emotionally and physically exhausted.

I look forward to sharing more of how YHWH is moving and working in our lives as the adventure unfolds. Please join us in the journey! We need your prayer and support.

Soli Deo Gloria - To God Alone Be the Glory

Monday, August 6, 2007


The Erickson's are off to sXt: Strategic Multiplication Training put on by the National Church Planting Director of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We will be examining the X Factors for Church Multiplication found in the book of Acts.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


"The vision is not merely to start one church but to be a vital part of a church planting movement. We don't merely want fruit but healthy fruit bearing trees!"
Global Church Advancement - Church Planter Training Manual

On any given day!

On any given day you may experience something that dramatically changes the course of your life! Thursday August 2nd may turn out to be one of those days for the Erickson family.