Wednesday, October 24, 2007

For God so loved the world...

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. ~ Jn 3:16-18

This may be one of the most famous passages in all of Scripture and for good reason. As I was meditating on this passage this morning I was struck with the picture it paints of what Jesus did and the reality of the human predicament.

Jesus came on a rescue mission to save those who were and are already condemned. Many times I have been sharing the gospel with someone only to have them respond with "that is a pretty condemning message!" or the predictable "who are you to judge me?"

The reality is that we are all condemned and are in danger of having the wrath of God pour out upon us. As you encounter people in your day to day activities let this truth penetrate your thinking.

Jesus was sent in order that the world might be saved through him and as the Father sent Jesus, Jesus has sent us into the world (Jn 20:21) to point people to the cross.

The verdict is in and the judgment has been rendered. GUILTY!!! I have a renewed sense of urgency to save others by snatching them out of the fire (Jude 23).

I thank the LORD of His Word and the mission He has given us in this life.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Incarnation of Christ

This morning I was studying Jn. 1:1-18 and was struck once again with the beauty and glory of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. ~ Jn 1:14

The magnitude of this event has gripped my heart afresh today and this truth has given me great cause to praise our LORD. I was also gently rebuked by the LORD because I do not reflect on this amazing truth nearly as often as I should.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. What a powerful truth. I encourage you to meditate upon it for a while and think through the implications of the Word becoming flesh. I trust that you will be blown away by the magnitude of this event.

Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Some Good Recent Reads

The Intentional Church
by Randy Pope

Randy is the Pastor of Perimeter Church in Atlanta, Georgia and a regular presenter at Global Church Advancement's North American Church Planting Seminars. This excellent book lays out a plan for developing an intention ministry structure.

This is a highly valuable book and is one of those must reads for any pastor who is responsible for the strategic planning of any ministry. Randy is also available for Intentional Church Conferences.

Big Dreams in Small Places
by Tom Nebel

Tom is a seasoned church planter, church planting coach, church planting director and has now reached the level of guru in the world of church planting. He is also a regular presenter at at Global Church Advancement's North American Church Planting Seminars

Tom makes a compelling case for the need to plant churches in small communities as a catalyst for developing church planting movements.

This book is greatly helpful in identifying the characteristics of small town life and how to reach people in these communities. The greatest strength of the book is its instruction on how to launch a church planting movement.

Check these books out. They are well worth the time and you will be wiser and more effective in ministry as a result of your investment.

Monday, October 15, 2007

What is in a name?

It is an interesting discussion when you talk about what you should name a new church plant. I have wrestled with this for about three months now and have come to some conclusions about the naming of our church.
  1. The name of our church must communicate our vision.
  2. The name of our church must be distinctive and memorable.
  3. The name of our church must be understandable.
  4. The name of our church must have church in the name.
  5. The name of our church must be indigenous to the community.
At some point I had to make a decision that fits the criteria above. After much thought and discussion with others I choose the name Pointway Church.

  1. Pointway Church communicates our vision of pointing people to a life transforming encounter with the Kingdom of God.
  2. Pointway Church is both distinctive in that it points THE way and memorable because of the short and catchy phrase Pointway.
  3. Pointway Church is understandable, we are a church that points the way!
  4. Pointway Church is a Church! Not a chapel or a fellowship or a community. It is a church!
  5. Pointway Church is indigenous to our community that has many points on its numerous lakes and many ways with its numerous paths and trails.
While choosing a name is important it is not the most important thing and I am thankful that this task is complete so that I can focus more time on reaching out with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Pray for us as we continue to transition from Duluth to Brainerd/Baxter. Things are progressing and we are excited to get on-site and begin planting Christ's Church. There are many things that go along with church planting that are not exciting as well. Administrative things like getting a Post Office Box and obtaining Federal Identification numbers so that I can open a bank account.

It is interesting trying to open a bank account with no money. The banker looks at you and asks, "Why do you need a bank account when you have no money?" Then you answer, "God is going to provide every dollar we need to plant this church!" This is a great answer if you are a follower of Christ, but a terrible answer if you are a banker. So we do not yet have a bank account until we have some money to actually put in the bank.

Another amusing part of church planting is the expression on people's face when you answer their question, "So where is your church?" I usually try to be witty and say, "your looking at it!" Then confusion sets in. Most people think of a church as a building and not a body. Currently we have a congregation of 3 (if you include the pastor).

There are also interesting tasks like putting together strategic action plans, choosing a name and designing logos and websites. I am looking forward to passing these things on to people who are more gifted than I am so that I can spend more time preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to lost sinners.

We need your continued support in prayer and financial giving so that we can see the glory of God displayed in Brainerd/Baxter through the proclamation of the gospel. Please consider what the LORD God would have you to give for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

You may send your support to:

Pointway Church
P.O. Box 331
Brainerd, MN 56401

Thank you for your commitment to the LORD and your faithful support of our church planting adventure in Brainerd/Baxter.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We Found a Home

Since about mid-September we have been living at my in-laws house. Today we found an apartment in Baxter, MN where we will be planting a new church with the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Thank you for you prayer support. We are looking forward to getting moved in.

Free books!!!

You could win 40 copies of R.C. Sproul's The Truth of the Cross and 1 copy of Richard Phillips' God the Evangelist.

October Giveaway

Don't Forget to enter my referral number. It is 20888.