Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I had lunch with two good friends today and the three of us took care of 108 buffalo wings!

Recent Pictures of Asher

The Wonder of a Divine Appointment

Today I rose at 4:45 a.m. as is my custom and during the course of my time in the Word and in Prayer I prayed that the LORD would give me an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I was not out of the house more than an hour today when the LORD answered my prayer in a way that stirred my heart to praise his holy name.

I was meeting with my former landlord this morning to walk through my old apartment. After we finished my former neighbor came over and wanted our new address so she could send us a card. We began to talk and she shared that she and her husband felt that they had a real connection to us and that they were interested in continuing a friendship. (this was a surprise to me!)

We began to talk about my work as a church planter and I was able to share the gospel with her. She started asking all kinds of questions. I suggested that maybe we could get together and read the Bible together and seek out the answers to her questions.

She was very interested in this and suggested that some of her friends might be interested in joining us.

My prayer is that we would launch an Evangelistic Bible Study in the next week or two. Join me in praying for the salvation to come to this woman, her family and her friends.

I marvel at the grace of God who was pleased to open the door for the gospel to go forth. Praise the LORD for his grace.

Crying and Laughing at the Same Time

We have been amazed at the way that Asher has been growing and developing over the last 21 months. He has brought inexpressible joy into my heart. It is truly an honor to be his daddy.

Recently Anne and I have experienced the ups and downs of parenting. Recently we have noticed a growing defiance in Asher. I know that Asher was born in sin just as all human beings are, but I was not prepared for how the reality of Asher's sinful nature would affect me.

A few nights ago he refused to obey his mommy and daddy. Anne told him that if he did not obey that she would give him a spanking. It broke her heart when he continued to disobey. She had to follow through and give Asher his first spanking.

She began to cry as she swatted his little butt grieving the pain it would cause him, but knowing that she must discipline him. She spank him once - he laughed. She spanked him twice - he laughed again. Thrice she spanked him - thrice he laughed.

There was my wife crying because she had to give her little boy his first spanking and he laughs. Obviously the spank did not hurt and he did not understand that he was being punished.

Theologically I affirm the doctrine of total depravity and at times I have grieved the sinful nature of human beings. I grieve my own sinful nature, but seeing it in my sweet little Asher did something to me.

My heart aches for him and I long for him to receive the salvation that is found in Jesus Christ alone. My prayers for him are more intense and my time with him is more gospel focused.

I also look at others with more compassion and I am more motivated than ever before to share the life saving gospel of Jesus Christ with them.

O that my little boy would be saved from his sin. O that those in our community would repent and believe in the gospel.

O that I would be more deeply burdened for those around me who do not know Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.

Father forgive me for my apathy in sharing the gospel of the kingdom.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where have I been for the last two weeks?

The last two weeks have been a blur. Anne's friend JoKasta spent a week with us, we moved into our first home and we spent four days in 'the Cities', (contextualized term referring to Minneapolis/St. Paul).

All the while continuing to reach out with the gospel in Brainerd/Baxter. It has been a wild ride filled with many transitions, (most notable is Asher's move from his crib to a big boy bed).

We thank God for the strength that he has provided these days and rejoice in his glorious grace!

How Many Steve Erickson's?
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

  • There are 373,870 people in the U.S. with the first name Steve.
  • Statistically the 153rd most popular first name.
  • There are 88,148 people in the U.S. with the last name Erickson.
  • Statistically the 379th most popular last name.
  • There are 108 people in the U.S. named Steve Erickson.

Work Hard - The Right Way!

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.
~Col. 1:28-29

I have recently learned that I can be very busy and be lazy all at the same time. When I busy myself with things I love to do while neglecting the things I need to do I am being sinfully lazy. When I struggle with all my energy I am being sinfully self-sufficient and good for nothing.

I must struggle and toil with all HIS energy that HE powerfully works within me!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Where is Steve English?

Steveo we miss you!!! I guess we will have to grill all week without you.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Apartment Adventures

We have lived in apartments our entire married lives. After six and a half years we are finally moving into our first home next week.

Tonight Anne & baby, Asher and I were sitting down having some good cuddle time when there was a knock knock knock at the door. It was April, our neighbor. She had a look on her face that told me that she would love to be anywhere in the world at that moment other than at my door telling me what she had to say.

After some embarrassed mumbling she told me that her son had urinated in Anne's shoe!

How do you respond to that? We just busted a gut laughing. This was seriously funny. Not so much that my wife's shoe was filled with pee, but that totally awkward situation this boy had put his mother in. She was horrified!

She told us she would pay for a new pair of shoes and she apologized over and over again. She also told us that her son would be over to apologize after his time out.

We shut the door and just laughed. Anne did not know how to respond to this boy when he came over so we talked about it for a couple of minutes.

Just then we heard April say, "go ahead knock." He did. We opened the door to see a clearly embarrassed and ashamed young boy. "Go ahead" April said. "I, I'm sorry" he said. "For what." she said. "I'm sorry I peed in your shoe."

I was dying to know, so I asked, "why did you do that?" Then came the famous answer. "I don't know?" "How would you like it if someone peed in your shoe?" No answer!

Anne spoke up, "I forgive you."

"Now take those shoes to the garbage" April said.

And with that it was over. Another wild apartment adventure!

We are so excited about our move into our own home next week!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thanks a lot mother!

I now have this song burned into my head. Thanks a lot!

Now We're Cookin'

I got my dream grill and finished putting it together just in time for dinner!

Play Ball!!!

Asher is ready to move into his new house so he can play ball with dad in the backyard!

D.A. Carson on 2 Thessalonians

I'm it!

I’ve been tagged by David to do a reading meme. You gotta answer 5 questions:

  1. What are you reading on Spring reading days?
  2. What do you wish you had time to read?
  3. What have you decided NOT to read that you were assigned to read?
  4. What is one great quote from your reading?
  5. Why are you blogging? (You’re supposed to be reading!)
Here it is!

  1. I am reading Simple Church by Thom Rainer, Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin, Acts by Darrell Bock, First Steps & Next Steps by Gary Rohrmayer
  2. The Reason for God by Tim Keller
  3. Praiz-a-luha I have no assigned reading!
  4. from Acts Commentary on 2:42-47

    "This passage affirms the internal fellowship, intimacy, and engagement of the community. This positive activity is accompanied by joy and glad hearts, and their worship and praise of God are ongoing. But this is not an isolated, private club or a hermetically sealed community. In Acts we never see a community turned so inward that taking the message to those outside and engaging with those outside is forgotten or ignored."

  5. I need a break!
I now tag Peggy, Mark and Trevor

Disgusted and Disturbed!!!

Today I am disgusted to learn that the New Kids on the Block of reunited and are going to be assaulting our senses with what can only very loosely be described as music.

I was also disturbed to see my wife's reaction. She was so giddy it was sick. She immediately e-mailed her childhood friend to see if she heard the news.

Pray for me! I am living with a born again NKOTB fanatic!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Good Friends

Last night our good friends treated us to a much needed night out. Asher loved being with them, (he is waving at the picture as I write this). We thank the LORD Jesus Christ for our friends and partners in the gospel. Thanks Trevor and Christy! You are a blessing to us and to Pointway Church.

Asher loves to read!!!

Asher loves to read and to be read to. He loves his Bible, Winnie the Pooh books and many others. I am so glad that we do not have a television, so that we can cultivate a love for books in Asher and our soon to come baby girl.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Transcendence and Immanence

I am once again amazed that the Living God is strongly present and active in my life. The Holy Spirit has made me aware of the fact that the miraculous can happen at any moment. 

I am truly in awe of the LORD Jesus Christ today. I love it! He is at work in this place and he is letting me be a part of it. Astounding!