Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pastor's and Push Ups

Some Pastor friends of mine have recently blogged about the One Hundred Push Up Challenge. Even though Mike, Mike and Mark did not directly issue a challenge to me I have taken it as one.

I accepted the challenge and today took the initial test. My total push ups on day one - 53!!!

I am looking forward to the challenge and benefits of the six-week push up work out. Maybe we can get the pastor's together and have a push up contest in six weeks.

What do you think men!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Karis Joy Erickson

Today at 4:47 p.m. our daughter - Karis Joy Erickson was born! Anne was absolutely amazing!!! When the time to push arrived Anne got it done in 7 minutes. That's right - 7 MINUTES!!!
Karis weighed in at a mighty 7 lbs. and 6 oz. and measured in at an impressive 20 inches.
She is an amazing child and she is as her name states. Karis is the Greek word for Grace and Joy is what she has filled our hearts with.
I will post some of the 200 pictures I have taken of her after we get home from the hospital on Saturday.
Asher came to visit his brand new little sister and gave her some very sweet cuddles and kisses.
We praise the LORD Jesus Christ for his mighty presence with us today and we are humbled that he has blessed us so richly.
Thank you to all of you who faithfully prayed for us today. The LORD God definately answered you.
Soli Deo Gloria

Day 0

It is 5:39 am and we are preparing go to the hospital where Anne will deliver our baby. This is the first and last installment of my live blogging of the birth of my child.

The voting indicated that the majority wanted me to blog this great event and 2 (or more) of you were disturbed by the thought of it.

What this poll did not take into account was the vote of the one delivering the child and her vote is the only one that matters with regard to the poll. So, unfortunately there will be no live blogging today.

We will keep you posted though and I will upload some pictures to my facebook page as soon as it is appropriate.

Please pray for us and especially Anne.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



Asher and Pooh 2

This Bun is Done!!!

Asher and Pooh

3 + 1 = 4

Today we are celebrating our life as a family of three and we are rejoicing in the love that God has given us for each other. Our life was radically changed two years ago when Asher was born. I can hardly remember what life was like before God gave him to us.

Tomorrow our family of 3 will add 1 to become a family of four. Anne will be induced into labor at 7 a.m. and our lives will change forever with the arrival of our little girl (the doctors think it is a girl and we are pretty sure it is, but you don't know for sure until the little one comes out).

Please pray for Anne as she prepares for labor and delivery. Ask the LORD to give her great strength and an awareness of His presence with her.

Please pray for Asher as he prepares to be a big brother. Pray that he would always know that his mommy and daddy love him deeply. Pray that we would be wise and understanding as his world changes dramatically with the addition of a new baby to our family.

Please pray for me as I prepare to be the father of two. Pray that God would give me wisdom and understanding as I lead our family. Pray that I would have the strength and energy to lead our family and our church plant.

Pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ would take root in the lives of our children and that we would display the glory of God to every person we come into contact with.

Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Hand of God

Today I am in awe of the goodness of my God and King Jesus Christ. We have recently acquired a building to hold our worship services in. This is the great work of God that we would  recevie a 7000 square foot facility for $0.00, that's right we paid nothing for it and it is ours. Praise be to God!

Once we looked around the building and noted the needs we have to be able to hold worship services there we realized that we needed a sound system. I set up a meeting for today with a rep. from our local music store to help us design a system that will serve us well. Conservative estimates for a sound system are from $10,000 - $15,000. 

Well yesterday I received a phone call from Mike V. Mike indicated that he had been talking to Richard (our music rep) and learned that we needed a sound system. I told him that we did indeed need a system and the $10,000 - $15,000 to pay for it. The long and short of it is that Mike had a sound system sitting in storage collecting dust and he gave it to us to use for our worship services.

I am incredibly thankful for Mike's generosity, but I am in awe of the way in which the LORD has granted us favor in his eyes. As I prayed and prayed for God to provide for us I had great faith that he would though I did not know how he would do it. This has shown me once again of the need to step out in faith and ask God to give me eyes to see his hand at work.

I am in awe of my great God and I am thankful for my friend Mike for listening to the Holy Spirit speak to him.

I am psyched to watch as the LORD Jesus Christ plants Pointway Church in Brainerd / Baxter, MN.


Friday, July 18, 2008

I Come Running

Verse 1
Jesus I am blind be my light
Darkened in my mind be my wisdom
Bend my stubborn will to Your own
Open up my ears to hear Your Spirit
Melt my conscience once again
Help me hate the slightest sin
And when Satan comes to tempt me

Chorus 1
I come running to You when I fear when I'm tried
I come running to You to Your blood to Your side
And there my soul finds rest
There my soul finds rest in You

Verse 2
Shepherd of my soul lead me on
To the pastures green in Your scriptures
Make me to lie down by waters still
Fill me with Your peace in the tempest
I take my refuge in Your cross
By Your sacrifice I'm washed
And when Satan comes accusing

Verse 3
Once I was Your foe a slave to sin
A stranger to Your love a hopeless outcast
But You have brought me near
I'm bought with blood
Now I'm Your precious child an heir with Jesus
You pour heaven into my soul
Your wondrous love it overflows
And I marvel how You love me

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Check Up

Anne had a doctor's appointment today and it looks like the baby will come soon. In fact, we are scheduled for an induction next thursday. One way or another by this time next week our little one will be out of the womb and into our arms.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Day Pressing on in the Great Commission

Every day is an adventure in church planting. I plan out my day and then keep my eyes open to see what the LORD will do. Today was a good day. We had a good visit at the doctor for Asher's 2 year check up. We found out that we received a significant donation for our up coming County Fair Outreach. We had a gifted musician join our mission to plant Pointway Church. I had an opportunity to talk to two teenage girls about the LORD. I also had a great afternoon playing with Asher in our yard. All this while Anne is on the verge of moving into labor. She has been having some contractions and we are hoping that things progress soon.

It is just another day pressing on in the Great Commission. Time will tell the significance of today's events, but one thing I know: the hand of God is upon me. I can not imagine doing anything else with my life than to be on mission with Jesus Christ as he builds his church watching the gates of hell fall as the gospel advances.

I head off to bed with joy in my heart and great thankfulness for all that the Lord has done in and through me. I also head off to bed know that I could awaken at any moment needing to take Anne to the hospital so she can give birth to our child. What a life! I love it!!! THANK Y0U JESUS

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Asher!!!

Today we are celebrating Asher's 2nd Birthday. It is hard to believe that he is 2 already. It is amazing how much he has become a part of our lives in such a short time. We can not imagine what life was like without him. We praise God for you Asher and look forward to helping you become a man of God. Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able o separate us form the love of God in Christ Jesus.
~Rom. 8:38

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Political Engagement

I am not one to spend much time engaging in politics, but yesterday I did in a very unique way. Pointway Church had a float in the fourth of July parade. We distributed 2500 gospel tracts and invites to our launch in September. The float right behind us in the parade was Norm Coleman. We gave them some candy and Norm asked us to be praying, to which I responded, "without ceasing". He looked puzzled, but appreciative.

At the end of the parade route as we were heading back to the staging area we passed by Al Franken and his group. I couldn't resist so I shouted out, "vote for Jesus". Al shouted back, "put him on the ballot. (it is no secret that Al is not supportive of the Christian church.) I shouted back, "every knee will bow down and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD. He is your King!"

And with that my political engagement ended. It was an interesting side note to a great day in which 2500 people received a gospel tract containing truth that can transform their lives for eternity.