Thursday, January 17, 2008

X Factors from the book of Acts

We are on a Journey to the End of the Earth as we plant Pointway Church in Brainerd/Baxter, MN. This Saturday I will begin Leadership Training with our Launch Team. One of the things that we will be doing as a part of this is studying the book of Acts.

In August I attended the Christian and Missionary Alliances sXt (strategic multiplication training). While there we looked at the key biblical multiplication factors that lead to the explosion of the Christian Church.

As we work through them as a Launch Team I will share them with you for your edification. One conviction that I hold very deeply is that the contemporary Christian church needs to rediscover its identity. The book of Acts is the best church planting manual I know of and understanding what the Christian church was in the very beginning is the first step in rediscovering who we truly are as followers of the risen and exalted LORD Jesus Christ.

Key Biblical X Factors

(X equals Multiplication)

“And the LORD added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

1. Wait for the Holy Spirit’s Power

2. Trust God to Provide

3. Anticipate Victories Emerging from God’s Control

4. Expect and Discern Divine Appointments

5. Observe and Join what God is Doing

6. Stand Strong Even in the Face of Opposition

7. Praise First In and Out of Adversity

8. Build Bridges to the People

9. Empower and Release Your Best People

10. Relentlessly Focus on Bringing People to Christ and His Kingdom

The first four behaviors (wait, trust, anticipate, discern) are consistently found in multipliers. These four behaviors are all about becoming aligned for God to do His work.

Behaviors five through seven (observe and join, stand strong, praise first) begin the transition into horizontal activity while maintaining a clear eye on God.

The final three behaviors (build bridges, empower and release, relentlessly focus) are deliberate, focused activities resulting in fulfilling God’s purpose and Commission to be His multipliers all over the world.


David said...

Thanks Steve for this post.

May the Lord bring many Gospel victories to you and Pointway!

ChosenRebel said...

Keep up the good work brother. You're right. The church needs to get back to its NT identity as the people of God and the book of Acts is the best window and model we have of what that looks like.