Something amazing is taking place with The Journey North and Pointway Church. This Sunday I will be 'co-preaching' with Mark and will share the vision to plant Pointway Church. I will also be inviting people to seek the LORD and ask if He would be calling them to join us in our mission.
A phrase Mark regularly uses is that sometimes God redeploys his troops. This is not just a nice catch phrase for Mark. He believes it and he lives it! This partnership is amazing because Mark is releasing people and money from TJN to go towards our mission.
On one hand this seems like not big deal in light of the teaching of the New Testament concerning the Kingdom of God. On the other hand it is a big deal for at least two reasons.
- The sad truth is that many pastors feel like other pastors in their community are competitors rather than team mates. Mark and I do not see each other as competitors. We are fellow soliders in the Kingdom of God.
- The Journey North is a part of the Baptist General Conference and Pointway Church is a part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. It is rare to see this kind of partnership between denominations, though it should be a more common occurrence. My hope is that our partnership extends beyond the planting of Pointway Church to joining together to saturate our community with the gospel and planting many churches together (both BGC & CMA).
Soli Deo Gloria - to God alone be the Glory
Mark Bjorlo is a stud! The dude just calls it like he sees it, and doesn’t hold back. If his peeps aren't helping in the church he tells them sign up or get out! Cause God wants you helping! And he tells his peeps to leave the journey to help Point Way! And his messages are easy enough for the simplest of people to understand yet challenging no matter how long you have been a believer! I like the guy! Just going to throw that out there! All I am really saying is that when I grow up, I want to be like Mark Bjorlo!
I agree with what you say, but let it be known that you grow a much better beard than Mark.
your too kind! It has been said.
Thanks Steve for a great Blog post! I enjoyed reading what you have going on with your church plant and plan to follow your vision by adding your blog to mine.
Thanks for speaking on Sunday - it was fun to meet you and your wife and hear what God is planning for you!
Be Blessed!
Sheila DeChantal
Office Manager
The JOurney North Community Church
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