I’ve been tagged by David to do a reading meme. You gotta answer 5 questions:
- What are you reading on Spring reading days?
- What do you wish you had time to read?
- What have you decided NOT to read that you were assigned to read?
- What is one great quote from your reading?
- Why are you blogging? (You’re supposed to be reading!)
- I am reading Simple Church by Thom Rainer, Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin, Acts by Darrell Bock, First Steps & Next Steps by Gary Rohrmayer
- The Reason for God by Tim Keller
- Praiz-a-luha I have no assigned reading!
- from Acts Commentary on 2:42-47
"This passage affirms the internal fellowship, intimacy, and engagement of the community. This positive activity is accompanied by joy and glad hearts, and their worship and praise of God are ongoing. But this is not an isolated, private club or a hermetically sealed community. In Acts we never see a community turned so inward that taking the message to those outside and engaging with those outside is forgotten or ignored."
- I need a break!
praise-a-luia...good memories from nwc.:)
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