~1 Corinthians 9:16
What are we to do in a day and age that is so troubling? Many are concerned with things that simply matter very little. Political issues seem to get Christian's undies in a bundle and they get all worked up about things such as abortion, same-sex marriages, prayer in schools, etc... the list goes on and on.
My heart longs for the day when Christians would live for the Kingdom of God and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ with the same passion and energy as they do complaining about the government. O that they would spend half the energy the expel on political issues on the preaching of salvation by grace, through faith in Jesus, the Christ, the King, the LORD of all creation.
I myself find myself getting caught up in things that mean very little in light of eternity. I have family, friends and neighbors who do not know Jesus Christ. O that my attention would be focused on the Kingdom of God!
My heart longs for the day when Christians would live for the Kingdom of God and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ with the same passion and energy as they do complaining about the government. O that they would spend half the energy the expel on political issues on the preaching of salvation by grace, through faith in Jesus, the Christ, the King, the LORD of all creation.
I myself find myself getting caught up in things that mean very little in light of eternity. I have family, friends and neighbors who do not know Jesus Christ. O that my attention would be focused on the Kingdom of God!
There is no shortage of whiners and complainers out there pointing out the obvious. I pray to the LORD of the harvest to raise up workers. How easy it is to smell a rotten egg and how difficult to lay a good one.
May we stop whining and complaining as start laying down our lives for the gospel! Make it true Jesus, make it true of me.
I am compelled! I must proclaim what I know to be true and woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.
A hardy amen my brother.
let it be. awesome.
While I agree with part of what you're saying, I would have to say that I completely disagree that abortion is a "political issue." It is actually a spiritual issue and one that all believers should be concerned with. While I don't think we need to sit around complaining about the government, I do think the Bible is clear about standing up for truth. "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to their slaughter." (Proverbs 24:11)
Preaching the gospel is crucial but let's not let it cancel out the other things we should be doing as believers in Jesus.
In fact, when we are sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics, we often are doing street evangelism, intercessory prayer, and preaching the gospel all at the same time. Standing up for the unborn is actually a great witness for truth and can lead to further discussions.
As far as the other topics you mentioned such as gay marriage and others, I'm not sure how much we can do about that other than pray REALLY HARD and continue to speak the truth in love.
So yes, don't sit around and complain about how bad things are -- get out there and DO something about it. Somebody has to take a stand for the 47 million babies that have been lost. Shouldn't that somebody be us?
Just some thoughts -- have a great day, Steve! :)
P.S. Of course, there is absolutely nothing that we can do on our own apart from the power of God. I am reminded every day I sidewalk counsel how inadequate I am and how completely able God is. I can accomplish nothing of my own power but God can do everything. And that holds true in all that we do including fighting abortion and everything else. Just wanted to add that.
(By the way, this is from Lesley :)
I knew that was you Lesley! And true it is a spiritual issue. My comments refer to those who think it is a political issue and fight the fight on with the wrong weapons.
You are on the front lines fighting where you can make a difference and a greatly respect you for that. The most powerful weapon you have is the gospel itself in that fight.
My point is this Lesley - transformed lives are the only way to transform culture and transformed lives happen as a result of the transforming power of the gospel.
Faith comes by hearing is the declaration of God's word, not by fighting the right battle with the wrong weapons!
Thank you so much for doing what you are on the front lines! I know that our LORD is please with you.
I totally agree and sorry I misunderstood your post! I've heard so many people say to leave the abortion issue in "politics" and that we can't go around trying to tell people what to do with their lives. I've also heard people say that standing up for the unborn is "not their gift" and should be left to the "activists" and that grieves me.
But,I see now what you were saying and who you were talking about -- the power of the gospel is indeed the most powerful weapon we have i and we do need to use it!
Sorry again for misunderstanding! Hope I don't think I'm a big, fat jerk. :)
Goodness, I can't even type. I meant to say that I hope YOU don't thin I'M a big fat jerk. heehee
Goodness, I can't even type. I meant to say that I hope YOU don't think I'M a big fat jerk. heehee
No way do I think such things of you. I am glad you raised the points you did because it gave me an opportunity to state my thoughts more clearly.
How ironic it is that you end you comment with grace and peace when it is filled with misrepresentations and false accusations. You may want to try asking you 'question' in an effort to understand and not accuse Lar.
If you were to seek to understand my comments you would soon realize that you have totally misunderstood my point.
Lar let me ask you a couple of questions.
Do you believe in the doctrine of hell? Is there truly a place of torment where the unbridled wrath of God is poured out on the wicked?
Do you believe that the LORD Jesus Christ has entrusted to us the message of reconciliation?
When was the last time you share the life saving gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost?
Do you spend as much time sharing the gospel with the lost as you do arguing theology with people?
There are many points in your diatribe that need to be unpacked.
One that stands out immediately is your interpretation of Mt. 28:19 in which you write, "the beginning of the Great Commission is to save souls and plant churches - but the goal and the end result of the commission is discipled "Nations"
One of the points I was trying to drive home is that many have neglected "the beginning of the Great Commission" and gone straight to your so called end result.
One fine point in your interpretation that needs to be corrected is your view that nations are to be converted in to Christian nations. The Greek word there is ethne and is better translated as peoples.
Another is your creative interpretation of Nehemiah. You call it the Sword of the Spirit while Nehemiah and his men used literal swords. Sounds very allegorical to me Lar.
Another is the way you understood my use of the phrase whiners and complainers. Many are quick to criticize and point things out, but are unwilling to get in there and do something about it.
Ironically we are arguing for similar points, but due to you lack of understanding of what I am communicating and you unwillingness to seek clarification you have completely missed it.
Lar, might I suggest that you seek to understand a brother in Christ before you unload a blitzkrieg of false accusations. You might find that you will have more fruitful and peaceful dialog with people.
Lar, you do not have the right to call my view of the gospel myopic because you do not even know what my view of the gospel is. Your understanding of my view of the gospel is itself myopic.
Think about it Lar.
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