Last night as we were getting ready for bed Asher was running around and playing just like any other night. As he did he fell down, just as he does many, many times a day. This time was different though. I heard a very loud and sickening 'crack' and Asher began to cry very hard!
I cuddled him up for a while and then the cry subsided. I laid him down on the floor to check him out. He showed us where it hurt and I began to touch and squeeze his leg to identify the origin of his pain. He did not react so I stood him up and he could not put any weight on his right leg.
So I rushed him to the emergency room to have him checked out. As we were waiting to see the doctor we got to watch a helicopter take off. Asher loved it!!! We were about 50 yards away from it when it took off, but I digress.
The doctors x-rayed Asher's leg and discovered that he had broken the tibia. The doctor called it a toddler break because they are very common. He had set three of them in the last week. Apparently he just had a strange twist when he fell and the pressure caused a curved crack in his leg.
Asher is now in a cast for the next four weeks. Please pray for Asher's healing and for Anne as she cares for him and Karis who is 4 weeks old already.
God has and is showing us his grace and mercy through all of this. Thank you for your prayers.
Soli Deo Gloria
Poor little guy... you're in our prayers. How are things going with the church and how is Anne feeling?
Sorry to hear about this Steve. I thought vomiting babies was bad. We will be praying for you, Anne, Asher, and Karis.
Oh - how scary! We'll be praying for him for sure.
How did your first preview service go?
Sweet little guy. Sounds like he was very brave! How is he doing now?
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