Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gospel-Centered Community

When we use the word 'church' we are almost always miscommunicating both to the Christian and the non-Christian. It seems we've lost the battle with this word. Why should we use a term where we are almost always communicating the wrong thing?

Church is far more than a community of religious people, it is a whole new order. 

~ Steve Timmis


PastorPic said...

It's a challenge - isn't it?

I wonder what's best - to come up with a new term or to try to redeem the term.

I like "Followers of the Way." It's biblical, and communicates a lot - but the question is - as long as fallen human beings such as you and I are allowed to join, how long will it be until that term is corrupt as well?

Anyhoo - how you doing on your pushup challenge?

Steve, Anne, Asher & Karis said...

Good points Mike. There are times when terms lose their meaning and value and need to be changed though.

Push Ups?

I have had some physical afflictions that have not allowed me to work out for a while.

Hope you are doing well. Hope to see you again soon at The Spiritual Leadership Group as well.