Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Go to the land that I will show you!

YHWH spoke to Abraham and called him to leave his home and go to the land that he would show him. Abraham stepped out in faith and went. YHWH has spoken to me and called me to do a similar thing. He has released us from our call to Duluth and is leading us to plant a church in a land that he is in the process of showing us.

Gary Johnson (senior pastor) will stay in Duluth and continue the work of planting Faith Crossings Church and we will go out and plant. This news is not altogether surprising to us because we had intended to be a church that plant churches from the conception of the church. We wanted to be born pregnant!

What is surprising is the timing. We were thinking it my come a little further down the road. But God, not I, is the navigator of our journey and he is directing our path as we commit our work to him.

I want to ask you to join us in praying as we seek the LORD as to where he will lead us to plant a new church with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We will be putting in our 58 day notice to vacate our apartment soon and will stop drawing a salary from Faith Crossings at the end of September.

Please intercede on our behalf that God will provide for and protect us in this time. We have experienced pretty much every emotion from sorrow and mourning to excitement and joy over the past few weeks and we are emotionally and physically exhausted.

I look forward to sharing more of how YHWH is moving and working in our lives as the adventure unfolds. Please join us in the journey! We need your prayer and support.

Soli Deo Gloria - To God Alone Be the Glory


Unknown said...

Praying for you bro - The LORD is faithful!

Unknown said...

i am excited to see what will come of this. our conversation from a few months ago at grandmas has made an impact on my life. church planting has been an intriguing thought to me since that time. God is and will continue to use you both in great ways as you remain faithful to his leading. looking forward to hearing the story.

J. Folken said...

We'll be praying for you guys.

Steve, Anne, Asher & Karis said...

Thanks friends! Your support means a lot to us. I have come to learn and a much deeper level the way in which our LORD works through the effective prayers of His righteous ones.

David said...

The Lord be gracious to you as you travel down the path he has given you. Bekah, Annie, (Jr.), and I will be praying as you go about His work.