Saturday, May 31, 2008

32 Weeks

Two years ago my wife Anne was 32 weeks and 2 days pregnant with our son Asher when she went into pre-term labor and had to be put on bed rest.

Now two years later we were reflecting on that time. Yesterday Anne was 32 weeks and 2 days pregnant and the day passed pretty uneventfully.

We went to bed and I feel asleep. Anne woke me up at about 12:30 am and informed me that she had had about 5 contractions in the last 1/2 hour. Here we go again.

We called the doctor and made our way to the hospital. At 4:30 am I brought Asher home and we went to sleep leaving mommy at the hospital for monitoring.

I woke up at 8:oo am to cancel some appointments and to make some calls. Now I wait to hear from Anne to find out what the next two months of our lives will be like.

Church planting is a crazy life and pregnancy adds a whole new realm to the adventure. Please pray that Anne would carry our baby to full term.

With Asher Anne ended up going overdue and had to be induced at 41 1/2 weeks. I am convinced that our little Asher was in the womb that long because of prayer.

Please pray hard that our little one would do the same. We are eager to meet her, but not for another 6-8 weeks.


Lesley said...

I am sure praying for you guys and that your baby girl will be full term! Keep us posted!

Daydreams and Dragonflies said...

Praying here! CALL if you need me.

A Good Kinda Crazy said...

praying... please keep us posted.

Serving Him,
Amy Verlennich

Lesley said...

How are you guys doing? How are things with you, Anne? I wish I could be there to help you out while you have to take it slow these last weeks.
Are you able to get the rest you need and not have any more contractions? Well, keep us posted -- hope you're doing well! :)