Friday, December 7, 2007

The Acts of the Apostles

Today was a great day for mail. I received that familiar box with the Amazon logo on the side. I was especially excited about this arrival because the box contained the much anticipated new commentary on The Acts of the Apostles by Darrell L. Bock from the Baker Exegetical Commentary of the New Testament Series.

When I finally got a chance to open it up and take it for a test drive I was extremely tired and ready for bed, but it was only 7:00. My goal for the night is to make it to 8:30 before I turn in so I decided to start reading through the Introduction. It is filled with the usual commentary stuff and much of it I am familiar with from my research in Acts for my Th.M at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

It got really interesting as I read Bock's overview and theology of Acts sections. In the overview he talks about four issues that dominate Luke-Acts. The forth issue caused me to stop and ponder its meaning for a while.

(4) Finally, there is the story of various faithful witnesses who respond to Jesus in the face of opposition. Whether this theme concerns Peter and John, Stephen, Philip, Paul, or Barnabas, the book is filled with those sharing in the calling to take the message of fulfillment to the end of the earth. They serve as examples for those who carry out the mission of God. (Bock p.7)

I realized that as a church planter I am one of the many who are carrying out the mission of God. Thinking about this has caused me to rejoice in my calling as a church planter and it has encouraged me with the knowledge that I am a part of something truly magnificent! I am part of a legacy of church planting that goes all the way back to the time in which Jesus Christ walked the earth; a time when Peter, Paul, Barnabas, Apollos gave their lives to the preaching of the gospel and the planting of churches.

I knew that I was doing a work here that is beyond me and bigger than me and tonight I am praising God for opening my eyes a little wider to this reality.

I am on a Journey to the End of the Earth! I am also on a Journey to my bed because it is now 8:37 ~ Goodnight!

Soli Deo Gloria


Peggy said...

I am really excited that you got this for me and don't even mind that you are reading it prior to gift wrapping.

Steve, Anne, Asher & Karis said...

I am not sure where I wrote that in this post? Maybe you should read through it again!

Peggy said...

To quote someone ... "I can't believe you bought that for yourself when you knew I wanted it."

Steve, Anne, Asher & Karis said...

I think you missed the whole point of this post. It's about pointing people to a life transforming encounter with the kingdom of the Living God.