Sunday, August 3, 2008

What a Glorious and Exhausting Week

This week Pointway Church set up a mission booth at the Crow Wing County Fair in Brainerd, MN. It was both a glorious and exhausting week. As a dear friend and mentor often say, "I am tired, but it is a good tired."

During the five days of the fair we gave away 80 gallons of Kool-Aid, 100 pounds of candy,200+ copies of the ESV New Testament, 200+ copies of Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Christ Came to Die, 1500+ gospel tracts and 1500+ flyers inviting people to the Launch of Pointway Church on Sept. 14, 2008.

Also during those five days I had the honor of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with many many people and two people professed faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I praise God for the work he accomplished through us this week. Only eternity will reveal the fruit of our labors.

May the Spirit of the Living God convict the hearts of those who heard the gospel and lead them to repentance and faith for the glory of God.

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