Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Morning in the Erickson Household

This morning was a typical one in the Erickson household. I woke up at 4:45 and spent some time praying and reading the Holy Scriptures. Anne and Asher woke up about 7:00 and we had our family devotions together. We decided to go for a walk, so we loaded up Asher and Grover in the wagon and walked around the block. 

Then we had some breakfast. Anne had a bowl of cereal, Asher had a waffle and some fruit, while I took the leftover taco meat and beans from last nights dinner and made a quesadilla. Then I got ready and headed out for a day of gospel ministry in our community.

I love church planting. You never know what a day may bring. I am excited to see what the LORD will do today!

Soli Deo Gloria 

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